Last week's book theme was all the fun stuff I run across in my day-to-day life as a Realtor in Greenville, NC. I've had "orbs" show up in listing photos, heard footsteps in a vacant house, walked in on college kids doing the wild thang and been offered a mimosa by a man answering the door wearing nothing but a smile and an incredibly small towel.
After spending yesterday afternoon with my 2 nephews I've decided my next tome will be titled, "Trials and Tribulations of The Fun Aunt." My neck hurts. Bad. Pretty sure I lost more than the 100 single hairs the average human being loses daily. In fact, my scalp tingles where my ponytail was pulled around the back of my head while Tyler The Brave bounced on me. I also bit the inside of my cheek trying to defend myself from the onslaught of Underwear Man. I'm bruised, scratched and exhausted today...and I'd have it no other way. Not having any kids of my own, I love these cutie pies like they're mine.
In mid-attack my sister-in-law who was watching tv on the sofa asked when I was going to come stay with them the whole weekend so she and my brother could get away. I managed to sit up, ponytail around the side of my head, blowing escaped locks of hair off my face and asked real slowly...."You myself???" I don't know if I would survive! At that point Underwear Man jumped off my back to leap onto the sofa, where his Mama promptly said she was wearing her Invisibility Cloak. (Must. Remember. This.)
A whole weekend with the boys would mean I couldn't stay The Fun Aunt. Right? There would have to be more discipline involved than just unclenching small fists from the dog's fur or releasing the cat's tail. To all you moms and dads reading this, how does one transition from FUN to Authoritarian in the same sentence? I really do enjoying playing Super Heroes and wrestling (this is the South so that's pronounced "wrasslin") and wallowing all over the floor with those guys (even though I need to go for a chiropractic adjustment the next day....)
What is The Fun Aunt's magic formula or superpower to allow play with 2 very physical little tykes yet still maintain a level of control over their safety? Maybe I'm second-guessing my ability to parent since so far I've just been Mama to 4-legged babies. Any sage advice out there? I really would love to keep them for a whole weekend!
At your service,
Gena G. Winstead
Broker, Realtor, ABR
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